Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hey, Reviews, I've Got to Catch Up

Easter Rabbit has 3 new reviews since last we checked in. Well, maybe 2 and a half, one is more a succinctly stated opinion than a review. But those are good too!

Number one we have a review and interview at the colorfully lettered and nicely ambitious The Short Review. The interview was conducted by head chief Tania Hershman and the review handled by David Woodruff. Says David, "One gets a sense that the stories of Easter Rabbit are crafted from a sense of music as well as a mystery of daily life, the relationships, tired or conflicted, that help to define us." Also, "Those who liked their fiction well-defined or gobbled up and forgotten after a single reading, will find Easter Rabbit vexing. But in its open-ended form, in its prism-like prose, this is one book that the reader can return to again and again to see new meanings. In that sense, I believe the book is worth far more than its price."

Number two is a review at Ghoti Magazine (you know what that spells, right?) by CL Bledsoe:

"The bottom line is that Young takes situations that seem, mostly, fairly mundane, and breathes meaning into them. A man sees a black rat running through the leaves and this becomes a beautiful moment. Nature reflects experience as a girl feels “wind sliding up her skirt like a friend’s hand.” Young’s stories turn on a dime, taking simple scenes and suddenly exposing them for the powerfully important moments they really are."

Three we have the blog post by Ben White, runner of Nanoism, the Twitter fiction concern. Ben is perhaps less enamored of the book than some others. He says, "With around 80 stories that one could read in under an hour, the collection has the potential to be a numbing read. Many of stories understandably have a similar feel, the sparse dialog of a man and a woman, an image, a setting. ER demands to be read slowly, picked up and put down." Fair enough. He also wonders, fairly enough, if Easter Rabbit, despite it's fiction tab, is not in fact poetry. I've heard that.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

NewPages Review

Easter Rabbit was just reviewed by the ever-so-busy John Madera for the New Pages site. I like the first paragraph a lot:

"With their directness and precision, their attention to what Ezra Pound would call “luminous details,” Joseph Young’s microfictions might be mistaken for Imagist poems, but with their shift away from showing “things” as “things” toward “things” as something else, or, rather, toward portraying both the “thingness” of the thing and of some different “thing,” his miniatures suggest something altogether different. But where they fit is less important than what they do, how they make you feel. In Easter Rabbit’s miniatures, its sharp sentences focused on often mundane details, Young offers epics. Seemingly channeling William Blake, he offers further “auguries of innocence,” further testaments to worlds in granules, heavens in flowers, and – well, suffice to say, these are sentences to linger over."

John also wrote a nice blurb of his review on his blog, where you can find links to other reviews he's done and other projects. You should check out some of these other reviews, too. He's good at what he does.