Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Quickly Reviewed, Said

Greg Gerke, author of There's Something Wrong with Sven, posted his review of Easter Rabbit at Big Other. Says Greg, "[These micros] live in the actions of the characters, in the details of the river or forest, and in the Beckettian/Pinteresque bits of dialogue. They are story and poetry and they describe a universe in mourning for its own mysteries, a human race run down but capable of enchantment." Thanks, Greg.

Cami Park, writer of many good things, blogged her reading of Easter Rabbit at Mungo. A hugely kind thing she says is "these writings do what art does, encompass the familiar, the emotion of everyday life fully and without artifice. A pan in the snow, a quarter on the back of a hand– I had no idea such things could make me feel so much." Thanks, Cami.

Christopher Newgent--author and interviewer--is getting ready to live blog his attempt to read Easter Rabbit in a single sitting. Meanwhile, he is holding a contest to give away an Easter Rabbit postcard. Simple enough, tell him the meaning of life. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention, Joseph. It sucks having to wait to even open it up.
