Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Miscellany Here and There

UPDATE: I discovered after making this post that David Peak, over at Ghost Factory, posted the book trailer for Easter Rabbit, which I think is nice of him. Ghost Factory is also a magazine that David edits and looks really neat. The Rocket's Red Glare is a sci-fi book that David has out by Leucrota Press. Why not read this poem at Kill Author?

So first of all, Cami Park, over at the elegant Mungo, has kind cross-holiday remarks about Easter Rabbit in her post, Easter At Christmas. For one thing, Cami is a bigtime contributor to a cool idea called For Every Year, like this, so please look at that. Then, how about something from Pank?

Next, Josh Kleinberg, working from Missoula, Montana, said a really heart-warming thing about indie publishing on his blog of a very interesting name, ...///.///../.././/./////...///. I mean, if I can just thank someone for being nice enough to buy Easter Rabbit and it makes people that glad about indie publishing, then I'll thank them! Check out Josh's work at Dogzplot and Tulip.

Close Calls with Nonsense is a poetry blog by Harvard prof Stephen Burt. He makes some odd, interesting, and kind comments on the book trailer for Easter Rabbit, as well as on 800 numbers. He has a book the same name as his blog, Close Calls With Nonsense: Reading New Poetry from Graywolf Press.

Thirdly, new people at Goodreads putting Easter Rabbit on their read lists:

Justin Sirois is doing his blog Secondary Sound, which is also one of his books, by BlazeVOX. Another of his books is the no-vowel MLKNG SCKLS, which Brian Evenson says, "A tight, spare and quietly tense gem of a book.” Look at the review at Bookslut.

Mike Young, we talked about him. He edits NOO Journal. He has a chapbook that's only a dollar, MC Oroville's Answering Machine, which is a crazy bargain. Mike Young is really good.

1 comment:

  1. i'll let you know when i live blog the single-sitting reading. obviously post-honeymoon. looking forward to it.
